OR3GUN Logo (Trademark)

Marine Spacer Tube - Mossberg 930
Competition Forearm Retainer - Mossberg 930
Enhanced Competition Follower - Mossberg 930
Competition Spring Plunger - Mossberg 930
Enhanced Bolt Release - Mossberg 930
Competition Part Combos - Mossberg 930

Competition Parts - Mossberg 940

Glock Sight Saddle - Mossberg

© 1995-2025 LOGIZTIX



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OR3GUN Logo - Trademark

The OR3GUN Project aims to address the needs of 3-Gun shooters in Oregon and beyond, with an eye toward the demands placed on equipment by the elements of our home state.

Click for OR3GUN Marine Spacer Tube It should be painfully obvious to most 3-Gunners that when your equipment fails, all of the talent in the world won't get the job done. Seemingly random malfunctions with the core group's Mossberg 930 shotguns had plagued many a match over years of competition.

It wasn't until we had multiple 930s go down simultaneously one night in preparation for a midnight 3-Gun competition that we began to backtrack through match footage for a common denominator to past malfunctions. Not only did we find that common denominator, we didn't believe it ourselves until we proved it in 2014.

The result of months of research and development was our first product for the 3-Gun community, the OR3GUN Marine Spacer Tube for Mossberg 930/935 series shotguns. Originally designed for the light loads of 3-Gun competition guns in Marine Blue, we have since introduced the OR3GUN Multi-Use Marine Spacer Tube in a more bit more visually muted color range.

Click for OR3GUN Marine Spacer Tube

The Multi-Use version is the same great design in a 'magnum ready', OEM weighted format suited to buffer those magnum slugs, buckshot and turkey loads in 930/935 models. Hunters and Defenders... this is YOUR version of the MST.

Don't think for a minute that we decided to rest there.

We soon witnessed the evolution of lessened overhang on the tail of Mossberg’s 930 forearm and the opening of loading ports in the receiver. While techniques and patterns have evolved with loading techniques, they were limited by the loose tolerances found in the plastic OEM Forearm Retainer.

930 Forearm Gap - OEM vs OR3GUN Retainer

The rapid acceptance of new dual and quad loading techniques have required that attention finally be paid to the space between receiver and forearm. The factory configuration leaves just enough gap to regularly catch your hand on loading attempts.

We developed the OR3GUN Competition Forearm Retainer (CFR) for incorporation into new or existing Mossberg 930 loading port modifications. The primary purpose is to raise the forearm higher along the receiver, eliminate the play and reduce the gap in front of the loading port. This part is available in several model/purpose specific versions.

The popular Quad Ready versions (Polished or Anodized) are CNC profiled for ramped loading ports and pre-fit to 'generic' receiver and forearm profiles. We even developed a specific model for the wood forearms of the limited edition Pro Series Sporting.

Next in the line-up was the OR3GUN Enhanced Competition Follower (ECF) for Mossberg 12 Gauge shotguns. We designed the end to peek out just a bit more than most followers to satisfy your favorite RO and allow you to quickly feel the difference. We have a version for hunters as well that retains the factory round limiter and loads the first round smoother on non-modified loading ports.

OR3GUN Follower

The lack of hard edges on our follower helps the finish wear longer and our radius approach is a better way to keep from hanging the crimped end of your shot shell up on any portion of the follower. The rounded edges also glide smoothly over minor seams and transitions in your magazine tube or extension. Our follower has found favor among Benelli & Stoeger owners as well. The longer protrusion assists port loads and keeps the round from catching on the receiver as it is fed into the chamber by the bolt.

OR3GUN Plunger

Once we had tackled the gas system, it was time to give the recoil system an overhaul. This led us to introduce the OR3GUN Competition Spring Plunger (CSP) for the 930/935 platform. Realizing that there is a delicate balance between load weight and reliable cycling, the factory 930 is designed to run loads as heavy as magnum buckshot and turkey loads. If the competitor is willing to give up some of the heaviest end of the load spectrum, ground can be gained in the lighter end. Combined with our ASR options, many spring rates are available to quickly tailor your recoil system to your load range. The full range of 930/935 models are supported.

The unique tail of the CSP captures and guides the spring in addition to producing an effective spring rate reduction that helps lighter loads run more reliably. The Mossberg 930's recoil system is the subject of our first in a series of maintenance videos that can be found on our YouTube channel.

With the gas and recoil systems under control, we turned our attention to a couple of the finer details of 3-Gun shooting with a Mossberg. It seemed that nobody had given the 930 platform an enlarged bolt release of its own. Although there were a number of universals already out there, they required drilling and tapping of small, hardened factory parts and required complicated disassembly of the gun to install.

OR3GUN Enhanced Bolt Release

Our own Enhanced Bolt Release (EBR) on the other hand, can be installed in seconds and requires only the included hex key to do so.

The 930/935 specific EBR features a skirted design, which helps prevent any overtravel of the release mechanism. As the Mossberg bolt release and shell stop have a bit of play from the factory, our part will ensure a smooth, measured press of the bolt release under the frantic conditions of competition. Our Tactile version is at home on hunting/security models.

The latest 940 model autoloader from Mossberg incorporates our innovations to address cycling issues. If THAT doesn't validate our existing line of 930 parts, nothing will. We still found some tweaks to be made in order to optimize this updated platform.

We've got more innovative designs for Mossberg shotguns scattered throughout our site and many others in progress. Stay tuned!

Due to the maze of ITAR and export regulations on firearm parts, those on this page are not currently for sale outside of the United States.

Mossberg®, 930 and 935 are trademarks of O.F. Mossberg & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
OR3GUN™ and The OR3GUN Project™ are trademarks of Logistix Productions, Inc. All rights reserved.
Elements of our web site, marketing materials and product lines are established trade dress and may not be used, copied or imitated in whole or part.
Protected elements include our 3-color OR3GUN logo scheme and the blue cylinder with holes in a spiral pattern.
All logos and associated graphics are trademarks of Logistix Productions, Inc. All rights reserved.

Specifications are subject to change without notice.